Knowledge Webs


By Mother Tongue Scripts

India -

Indian language diversity as defined in the last national census (2011) - There are 19,569 languages, inclusive of all dialects. When rationalised, they quantify to 1,369 Mother Tongues spoken in India. Only 121 of the Mother Tongues had more than 10,000 speakers. There are 22 Scheduled Indian Languages of which 20 are in Varna-mala Script (i.e. Abugida), one in Perso-Arabic Script (i.e. Abjad) & one in Latin Script (i.e. Alphabetical). There is an often forgotten Unity of script in the diversity of Indian languages.

Prarang focuses on the 768 DHQs (District Head Quarters) & their respective MTs. We have identified 524 such DHQs where, there are more than 30,000 literate speakers in any of the 13 MT Scripts, thus amounting to 923 Knowledge Web opportunities in India. This makes Prarang World's First Hyperlocal Digital Content Factory.

World -

Politically, there are 195 countries in the world today and a world total of 178 Official Spoken Languages. An official language is that language which is declared to be official by a country, therefore there are 178 such languages. A Country may have more than one official language, for instance Bolivia has 36 Official Languages. Nearly 40% of the World’s languages are now endangered, with fewer than 1000 users remaining 23 spoken languages account for more than half the world’s population, including 7 which are widely spoken in India. As indicated by Ethnologue (Non-Profit US entity of a Christian Missionary organisation), there are approximately 7198 known languages and can be categorised into four writing systems, namely – Abugida, Abjad, Alphabetical & Logo-Syllabic .

Prarang focuses on the cities of all 195 countries and the 178 Official Spoken Languages which can be categorised into 32 Scripts and 17 Writing Language Families. Ultimately, amounting to 2431+ Knowledge Web opportunities in the whole world.
