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Delhi has a total population of 1.1 Billion and ranks 1st in terms of Hindi speakers. Highest employment in Delhi is in the Government sector, Software industry, I.T. service Industry, ITES industry, Media, Business services and Education sector. Out of entire workforce, 95% are employed in the above mentioned Industrial segment, 3% are Household workers and remaining 2% are employed in the agriculture sector. Main rivers of Delhi are Yamuna and Hindon. The history of Delhi goes back to the pre-historic period as many rock art sites have been discovered from various places. The name of this region was Khandvaprastha as mentioned in Mahabharata. Later it was burnt down to build the city Indraprastha (modern Delhi). Indraprastha was the capital of Pandavas. The earliest architectural relics date back to the Mauryan period (c. 300 BC). In Shrinivaspuri, an inscription of Ashoka was discovered. King Anang Pal of the Tomara dynasty founded the city of Lal Kot in 8th century CE. Prithviraj Chauhan conquered Lal Kot in 1178 and renamed it Qila Rai Pithora. After the defeat of Prithviraj Chauhan by Muhammad Ghori, this region came under his rule. Ghori appointed his slave Qutb-ud-din Aibak to govern this region. After the death of Ghori, Qutb-ud-din laid the foundation of Delhi Sultanate. During the Sultanate period, many architectural buildings came into existence like Qutb Minar and Quwwat-al-Islam. After Delhi Sultanate, Mughal kingdom was the golden era of Delhi from 1649 to 1857. After the fall of Mughal kingdom, Delhi goes under the rule of British Empire. During the early 1900s, a proposal was made to the British administration to shift the capital of the British Indian Empire from Calcutta on the east coast to Delhi.