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Ambala has a total population of 1,951,53 and ranks 95th in term of Hindi speakers. Major employment in Ambala is in Scientific Industry, Electrical appliances, agricultural implements and in the agriculture sector. Out of entire workforce, 66% are employed in the above given industrial segment, 30% are employed in Agriculture and remaining 4% Household workers. Ambala is a good agricultural belt because of the Indo-Gangetic plain which makes this region very fertile. Tangri, Beghna and Markanda are the major rivers of this district. Ambala is located 265 meters above the sea level. The earliest inhabitants of the district were a primitive people using stone tools of lower Paleolithic Age. These tools were found at various sites in the district like Tarlokpur etc. Unfortunately, this district has not yielded any pre-Harappan or mature Harappan site. However, there has been some satisfactory evidence in kins of late Harappan. The various evidence especially that of painted Grey ware pottery. The Edicts of Ashoka Chiefly Topara edicts and stupas at Singh and Chaneti associate this district with Maurayan Empire which further add to the district with Mauryan Empire adding to the importance of place. The discovering of Sunga Terracottas suggests that they held this area. Several coins of Menander have also been recovered. This region was also ruled by Kushanas as Kushana artifacts have been discovered from this region. In the 7th Century, it was a part of Sukantha Janpada of Puspabhuti of Thanesar. Some foreign sources especially those of Chinese pilgrimage Hiven Tsang who visited during Harsha regime show that this District was also under some influence of Buddhism. The district further witnessed the Imperial ambition of Yaso Verman of Kanauj and Laladitya. Under the Muslims, the district formed a part of Kutab-Bin-Abak Empire. The region also witnessed the invasion of Timur. In 1450 Bahlol Lodhi the then governor of Punjab brought the area under his Sway till Baburs invasion in 1526. Akbars reign was full of events in Din-E-Akbari. It is mentioned that mahals of Ambala to be part of Sirhind of Delhi Suba. After the Aurangzebs death, the political position and various forces rose in opposition to the Empire. Later this region went under the control of British Empire, during the time of 1857 revolt Ambala played a major role. During the time of Quit India movement Ambala played a remarkable role. Hariyanvi is another major language of Ambala.