Unnao has a total population of 1,77,658 and ranks 107th in term of Hindi speakers. Major employment in Unnao district is in Leather Industry, Food and Beverages Industry, Textile and hosiery industry and in Agriculture sector. Out of entire workforce, 70% are employed in Agriculture, 26% are employed in the above mentioned industrial segment and remaining 4% Household workers. Unnao is a good agricultural belt because of the River Ganga and Sai. Unnao is located on 98 meters above sea level. This region is situated on Indo-Gangetic alluvial tract, which is very good for Agriculture. The economic minerals found in the district are kankar, reh and sand.Unnao was a part of Kosala Mahajanapada, from various explorations many artifacts have been recovered which push back the history of this region. The district is named after its Headquarter town, Unnao. About 1200 years ago, the site of this town was covered with extensive forests. Godo Singh, a Chauhan Rajput, who wanted to create a town here in this region. He cleared the forests probably in the 3rd quarter of the 12th Century and founded a town, called Sawai Godo, which shortly afterwards passed into the hands of the rulers of the Kannauj. Ruler of Kannauj appointed Khande Singh as the Governor of the place. Unwant Singh, a Bisen Rajput and a lieutenant of the Governor, killed him and built a fort here, renaming the place as Unnao after himself. During the time of 1857, many political changes happened in Unnao.