Singrauli has a total population of 2,20,257 and ranks 82nd in terms of Hindi speakers. Major employment in Singrauli is in Agriculture sector, Mining Industry, Electricity and in the Government sector. Out of entire the workforce, 75% are employed in Agriculture, 23% are working in above mentioned industry segments and remaining 2% are Household workers. Singrauli is a good agricultural belt because of the rivers Rihand, Kanchan, Chalki, Kanjas, Silhor, Bijul and Juri. Singrauli is also known for its availability of Coal and other minerals. The land in the region comprises mainly of the Archaean land which is overlapped in place by relatively Younger Vindhyan and Gondwana plateau. Part of the Gondwana region bears rich coal which makes this district a major coal mining center. The history of Singrauli goes back to the Mesolithic phase as many rock art sites and stone tools have been discovered in this region. Singrauli district has a group of rock-cut caves made in the 7-8th century CE in Mada. The name Singarauli came from the name of Sage Shringi. The region of Singrauli was a dense forest which was used by King of Riwa as an open-air prison. After the industrialization, the forest of Singrauli got destroyed.