Rewa has a total population of 2,35,654 and ranks 71st in terms of Hindi speakers. Highest employment in Rewa is in the Agriculture sector and Government sector. Out of the entire workforce, 73% are employed in Agriculture sector, 22% in Government and other sector and 5% are household workers. Rewa is a good agricultural belt because of Tons, Sone and Bichhiya rivers. The landscape of Rewa is plateau and alluvium plain. The history of Rewa goes back to the Mauryan period. The Buddhist Stupa of Deur Kothar dates back to the time of King Ashoka. During the 9th century, this area came under the rule of Kalachuris. In the 13th century, Ulugh Khan, brother of Sultan Alauddin, drove the Baghela king east into the area, where he founded the Princely State of Rewa. This dynasty continued until the last successor, Martand Singh, abdicated and acceded rule to the Dominion of India in 1947. Rewa is also known as the land of White Tigers.