Ratlam has a total population of 2,64,914 and ranks 63rd in terms of Hindi speakers. Highest employment in Ratlam is in Agriculture sector, Food industry, Textile industry, and in the Jewelry industry. Out of the entire workforce, 76% are employed in agriculture, 22% are employed in the above mentioned industrial segment, and remaining 2% are employed as household workers. Ratlam is a good agricultural belt because of the black soil of this region. Ratlam comes in the Malwa plateau. The soil found in Ratlam is very fertile and requires less irrigation. Major rivers of Ratlam are Chambal and Shipra. Ratan Singh, a grandson of Udai Singh the first King of Jodhpur, founded the state in about 1650 CE. The kings of erstwhile Ratlam state were Rathore Rajputs of the Jodhpur house, whose ancestor was Raja Udai Singh. His great-grandson founded the house of Ratlam and gave his name to the state. The New Town of Ratlam was founded by Captain Borthwick in 1829 with regular and broadened streets and well-built houses. Ratlam was once one of the first Commercial Towns in Central India being the center of an extensive trade in opium, tobacco and salt. Modern District of Ratlam was created in June 1948 and was reorganized in January 1949.