Panchkula has a total population of 2,11,355 and ranks 85th in terms of Hindi speakers. Major employment in Panchkula is in Automobile industry, Chemical industry, Electronics, Leather industry. Out of entire workforce 77% are employed in above given industry segment, 19% Agriculture and remaining 4% Household workers.Panchkula is a good agricultural belt because of its geographical condition. The soil of Panchkula is very rich. The important rivers/streams of the district are Ghaggar, Sirsa, and Kaushalya.The name Panchkula is derived from two words Panch (Five) Kula (Canals), “the city of 5 canals". It is possible that because of five canals of Ghaggar-Hakra Rivers, this region named as Panchkula. The history of Panchkula goes back to the kushana period as many archaeological remains has recovered from this region. During 7th-8th century CE. This region was under the rulers of Kashmir. Later it came under the rule of Sultanate, Mughal and Marathas, later it came under British rule.