Orai has a total population of 1,87,137 and ranks 99th in term of Hindi speakers. Orai comes in Jalaun district of Uttar Pradesh. Major employment in Jalaun district is in Agriculture sector, Hindustan Lever Ltd. And in the government sector. Out of entire workforce, 71% are employed in Agriculture sector, 25% in Government and in the Industry sector and remaining 4% household workers. Jalaun is not a good agricultural belt because of the geographical condition of the district. Cultivable lands in the district are in Patches. Jalaun comes in Bundelkhand region which is full of rock traps. Major rivers of the Jalaun district are Yamuna, Betwa, Pahuj and Sindh. It is located at 164 meters above from main sea level. Orai was an important city because of its geographical location as this city was in between of major cities Jhansi, Mahoba and Kalpi. The two warriors on whom many folkloric songs ( Alha and Udal) are dedicated has a connection with Orai. Kalpi is an ancient city of Jalaun district and situated only 35 kilometres away from Orai. Muhammad of Ghor attacked and conquered Kalpi in the year 1196. Early 14th-century Bundelas have occupied a large part of Jalaun and they also succeeded in holding the fortified post of Kalpi. During 1553-56, the Hindu Prime Minister and Chief of Army of Suri Empire established Hindu Raj in north India and acquired the title of Vikramaditya. After Hem Chandra Vikramadityas death at the 22nd battle of Panipat, this important possession was soon recovered by Akbars army and passed under the way of the Mughal Empire. Bundela King Maharaja Chhatrasal fought and won this region. On the outbreak of his rebellion in 1671, he occupied a large province to the south of the Yamuna. Setting out from this base, and assisted by the Marathas, he conquered the whole of Bundelkhand. Later in 1806, Kalpi was made over to the British. During the time of 1857 revolt, Jalaun played an important role.