Farukhabad & Fatehgarh has a total population of 2,76,581 and ranks 60th in terms of Hindi speakers. Highest employment in Farukhabad and Fatehgarh is in Agriculture sector, Government and in Textile industry. Out of entire workforce, 63% are employed in agriculture, 28% Government employees and other miscellaneous workers and remaining 8% are employed as household workers. Fatehgarh is a city which comes under Farukhabad district. Farukhabad is a good agricultural belt because of the river Ganga. The elevation of the district is 167 m above sea level. Farrukhabad is a leading producer of potatoes in India and a significant producer of wheat, paddy, mustard, sunflower, maize, sugarcane, tobacco, vegetables, and fruits. Farrukhabad produces more than 50 varieties of potatoes and is the largest supplier of potato in the country. Farukhabad was founded by Nawab Mohammad Khan Bangash (He was a "Bawan Hazari Sardar", that is, commander of a 52000 Men Strong force, in the Mughal army) who named it after the reigning emperor Farrukhsuyar (Mughal king) in the year 1714. Later Farukhabad came under British rule.