Chapara has a total population of 2,02,352 and ranks 88th in term of Hindi speakers. Chapara comes under Saran district of Bihar. Major employment in Saran district is in Agriculture sector, Government sector, Railway locomotion industry and in rail factory. Out of entire workforce, 70% are employed in agriculture, 26% are employed in Government and in other Industry segments while the remaining 4% Household workers. Chapara is a good agricultural belt because of the River Ganga and Ghaghara. It is located 36 meters above from main sea level. The history of saran can be dated back to the pre-historic time period from the site named as Chirand. In Ancient time this region was a part of Koshala kingdom. In pre-medieval period this region was ruled by Pal dynasty and later by the Mughals. In the Ain-i-Akbari, Saran was treated as one of the six Revenue Divisions forming the Subah of the province of Bihar, and in 1582 it was assessed to revenue by Akbars Finance Minister, Todar Mal. Later in the 18th century, European merchant adventurers made settlements in the Saran district. The English were also attracted to Chapra about this time by the trade in saltpetre, which was in great demand for the manufacture of gunpowder.