Bulandshahr has a total population of 2,22,519 and ranks 79th in terms of Hindi speakers. Highest employment in Bulandshahr is in Agriculture sector, Government sector, Ceramic industry and Steel pipe industry. Out of the entire workforce, 49% are employed in Agriculture sector, 45% are employed in the above mentioned Industrial segment and remaining 6% are household workers. Bulandshahr is a good agricultural belt because the district is situated in the Doab region of Ganga and Yamuna. Bulandshahr district has better canal system. It is located 195 meters above the main sea level. The history of Bulandshahr goes back to 1200 B.C.E. This region is nearer to the capital of Pandavas of Mahabharata, Indraprastha and Hastinapur. After the decline of Hastinapur, Ahar which is situated north east of district Bulandshahar became an important place for Pandavas. With the passing of time, king Parma made a fort on this part of the region and a king named Ahibaran laid the foundation of a tower called Baran. Katle aam is the spot where many major incidents happened during the colonial period.