Bharatpur has a total population of 2,52,324 and ranks 68th in terms of Hindi speakers. Highest employment in Bharatpur is in the Agriculture sector, Government sector, Handicraft and in the Tourism sector. Out of the entire workforce, 69% are employed in Agriculture sector, 32% are employed in Government, Handicraft and tourism sector, and remaining 5% as Household workers. Bharatpur is a good agricultural belt because of the availability of alluvial soil which is good for agriculture. Banganga, Rooparel and Gambhir are the major rivers of Bharatpur district. The history of Bharatpur dates back to 5th century BCE when the Matsya kingdom flourished here. The Matsyas were the allies of the Pandavas in the Mahabharata war. From the famous folkloric stories, the origin of the name Bharatpur traced back to Bharat, the younger brother of Ram. Another history of Bharatpur tells that the first rulers of Bharatpur district were from the Sinsinwar clan which supposedly is known as an Indo-Scythian tribe who migrated to India around 100 Century CE. During 10th century CE, this region was under the control of Yadava clan. Later this region came under the control of Mughal Empire. In the early 18th century, Maharaja Suraj Mal captured the fort of Bharatpur by vanquishing Khemkaran, the rival chieftain and laid the foundation for Bharatpur. Suraj Mal was very keen to expand the cities and is credited for building numerous forts and palaces including the pleasure palace complex at Deeg.