Bhadrak is the 456th most populous city of India with a total population of 1,07,463. The highest employment in Bhadrak district is in the sectors of Food, Glass/Ceramics, Engineering, Textiles and other household industries. 66% of the workforce is employed in the Agricultural Sector, 31% in the Industrial Sector and the remaining 3% are Household workers. The major exportable item is Charge Chrome/ High Carbon Chrome. Salandi River passes by this district. The major crops produced are Paddy, Maize, Sugarcane, Jute, Chillies, Pulses etc. Fruits like Mango, Guava, Banana, Citrus and Papaya are also cultivated. Bhadrak has a rich heritage and history and according to legends, it also derives its name from the Goddess Bhadrakali, whose temple stands on the banks of the river Salandi. Bhadrak is an ancient land noted in legends dating from the age of the Puranas. During the period of National struggle Bhadrak became a vanguard. In 1920 when the non-cooperation movement was launched in response to the clarion call of Gandhiji, the boycott of the law court practically resulted in closing down of the court of the 2nd Officer for a whole year. Gandhiji came down to Bhadrak in the last week of March 1921, being impressed with the nationalistic fervour and fighting spirit of the people. With the mass civil disobedience movement launched in 1930, Bhadrak once again became vibrant with patriotic zeal. Also in the historic Quit India Movement of 1942, Bhadrak played a leading role.