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Banda is the 125th largest Hindi speaking city of India with a total population of 1,54,428. Highest employment in Banda is in the sectors of agriculture, stone work, handicrafts, transport, computer-based industries etc. 75% of the workforce is employed in the Agricultural Sector, 22% in the Industrial Sector and the remaining 3% are Household workers. Yamuna flowing north of the district is the principal river attracting all the drainage of the district. Other important rivers of Banda are Ken and Baghein. Also Banda forms part of the northern fringe of the peninsular India coming in contact with the Gangetic alluvium. Paddy, Jowar, Bajra, Lentil, Moong, Urad, Arhar and Oilseed are the main crops. Tarbooj (watermelon), Kharbooja and some vegetables are grown during zaid season. Banda was a town and district of British India, in the Allahabad division of the United Provinces. It was formerly, but is no longer, a military cantonment. Located in the historical Bundelkhand region, Banda is famous for its Shajar stone which is used for making jewellery, and the historically and architecturally significant sites Khajuraho and Kalinjar. Khajuraho is a World Heritage Site famous for its elaborately carved temples. The fortress of Kalinjar is famed for its war history and its glorious rock sculptures.