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Baharaich has a total population of 1,862,28 and ranks 100th in term of Hindi speakers. Major employment in Baharaich district is in Agriculture sector, Sugar Industry and in the Government sector. Out of entire workforce, 79% are employed in the agriculture sector, 18% in Industry and in government, remaining 3% Household workers. Baharaich is a good agricultural belt as rivers have played a significant role. Ghaghara is the main river flowing through the district, formed from the combined waters of the Kauriala, Saryu, and Chauka and other rivers which drain the sub-mountain tract to the west. Saryu is the second most important river, rising in the district, and joining the Ghaghara in Bahraich. The Kuwano River flows along the northern border, with the Bisuha, a small stream. The soils of the district are composed of the fluvial deposits of these rivers. The entire district falling in Sai sub-basin of Bahraich represents flat topography. It is located 126 meters above from main sea level. There are many mythological descriptions about the great historical value of district Bahraich. Some texts claim that it was famous as the capital of God Brahma, the creator of the universe. It was also known as part of Gandharva forest. It is said that Lord Brahma developed this forest-covered area as the place of worship for saints and sages. Therefore, this place was known as Brahmaich. According to the other story of Baharaich, during the medieval period it was the capital of “Bhar” dynasty Therefore it was called as Bahraich.